Our Classrooms

Welcome to Open Center for Children

The Open Center for Children has two classrooms: the Green Room for children from 2.3 to 3.3 years and the Blue Room for children 3.4 through 5 years of age. 

At Open Center, we are passionate about providing a nurturing and inspiring environment that celebrates the unique capabilities and boundless curiosity of every child. 

We embrace an emergent curriculum that values children's interests, ideas, and questions as the foundation for learning. Our approach encourages children to take the lead in their educational journey, fostering a sense of ownership and empowering them to explore and discover at their own pace. 

Our classrooms are filled with loose parts, inviting children to engage in open-ended play and creative expression. By offering a diverse array of materials, children have the freedom to manipulate, transform, and construct their own learning experiences, igniting their imagination and problem-solving skills. 

Nature is found throughout our school, as we believe in the transformative power of the natural world. Our nature-based approach allows children to connect with the natural world, encouraging a deep appreciation for its wonders and fostering a sense of environmental stewardship. From gardening to nature walks, we embrace the beauty and endless learning opportunities nature provides. 

Inspired by the renowned Reggio Emilia philosophy, we value children's innate creativity and unique perspectives. Artistic expression, project work, and documentation are woven into our daily practices, honoring children's voices and reflections as they construct meaning and deepen their understanding of the world around them. 

We are a community of dedicated educators, supportive families, and passionate learners committed to cultivating a warm and inclusive environment where children flourish. Together, we celebrate diversity, nurture relationships, and foster a lifelong love for learning. 

Join us on this remarkable journey where imagination soars, discoveries are made, and friendships are formed.